Whether you are sharing an apartment, a house, or a room with workmates or classmates, having a personal space for your own food supply is often a matter of necessity. You may desire your own storage space for your particular and unique culinary delights.

The new Electrolux Flatshare Refrigerator is an innovative product that gives you your own space for your all-natural, processed, or whatever else kind of food you enjoy. No longer do you have to store your exquisite delectables alongside someone else's less-than-fresh rutabaga or rapidly deteriorating corn dog. This modular refrigerator guarantees you your own personal, safe, sanitary, and organized refrigerator and freezer space.

The concept behind the Electrolux Flatshare Refrigerator is simple. The modular fridge as a whole is made up of separate pieces or compartments. They are stackable, one on top of the other. In essence, each roommate has their own mini-fridge; however, they are not stored in separate rooms. They are part of one refrigerator unit in one space that takes up the same amount of space as a traditional refrigerator does.
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